Does Wiping From Back to Front After Toilet Really Cause Urinary Tract Infections?
Your urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it
out of your body.
When germs get into this system, they can cause an infection
called UTI.
The germs get inside your urethra and travel up into your
bladder and kidneys and cause the infections.
Women tend to get more bladder infections than men. This is
because women have shorter urethra, so it is easier for the
germs to move up to their bladders.
You may be more likely to get the infection if
* wipe from back to front after passing stool especially for females.
* Have anal sex and vaginal sex with the same condom or without condom.
* You do not drink enough fluids
* You have diabetes
* You are pregnant.
* Pain or burning when you urinate.
* Urge to urinate, but not much urine comes out when you do.
* Your belly may be tender or heavy.
* Your urine may be cloudy or smells bad.
* Pain on one side of your back under your ribs.
* Fever and chills.
* Nausea and vomiting.
You can help prevent these infections by
* Drinking lots of water every day.
* Urinating often. Do not try to hold it.
* If you are a woman, urinate right after having sex.
* Clean your anus from front to back.
* Practice good personal hygiene.
How to diagnose urinary tract infection
* urinalysis and/or urine culture. A sample of urine is
examined under a microscope by looking for indications of
If you are having fevers and symptoms of a UTI, or persistent
symptoms despite therapy, then medical attention is advised.
You may need further tests, such as an ultrasound or CT
scan , to assess the urinary tract.
How it is treated
Antibiotics will be prescribed by your doctor.
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