Vaginal Odour


Normal vagina has odour and there is absolutely no problem with this. Normal vaginal odor is common during your period, after sex or after the use of birth control pills. 

But if your vagina smells 'fishy', there must be a problem.

To prevent:

  1. Wear clean underwear. This is important.
  2. Avoid douches and highly scented soaps. 
  3. Wipe your perineum from front to back
  4. Avoid tight fitting under wears and jeans. These garments prevent the area from being aerated, and sweating occurs, causing odor.
  5. Do not wear panties for too long. A pant daily!
  6. Change pads, panty liners, tampons regularly.
  7. Avoid spicy or alcoholic or caffeineted foods
  8. Eat yoghurt to sypply your vagina with good bacteria that will keep it in good condition.
  9. See a doctor if all these fail.

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