Different Stages of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection When Acquired Early in Life

Immune tolerance occurs during the early years of the infection. Although you have a lot of hepatitis B virus in your body, your immune system does not recognize that your liver is infected and so does not fight the virus at all. As a result, there is little or no damage to the liver, and you are totally free of symptoms.

Immune damage occurs when your immune system starts fighting the virus which results in damage to your liver. This phase can last for months or years. The longer your immune system fights, the more damage is caused to your liver. Yet, most people will have no symptoms despite active liver damage. Only abnormal blood tests will reveal any liver damage at this stage. You may need treatment if you are in this phase.

Immune control occurs when your body finally takes control of the virus and your hepatitis B becomes inactive. However, not everyone with hepatitis B can reach this phase without treatment.

Immune reactivation happens when the virus becomes active again after a long period of inactivity. Your body can no longer control the virus either because the virus has changed or mutated, or because your immune system is weakened.

10 Interesting Facts About RAPE

1. According to most estimates, 80-90% of rapes are not reported to authorities.

2. Current trends project that 1 in 3 American women will be sexually assaulted at some point during her life.

3. The typical rape victim is a 16-24 year-old woman. Anyone, however -- man or woman, adult or child -- can be the victim of rape.

4. Most commonly, the assailant is a 25-44 year-old man who plans his attack. He usually chooses a woman of the same race.

5. Nearly half the time, the victim knows the rapist at least casually, by working or living near him.

6. Alcohol is involved in more than 1 out of 3 rapes.

7. Over 50% of rapes occur in the victim's home. The rapist breaks into the victim's home or gains access under false pretenses, such as asking to use the phone or posing as a repairman or salesman.

8. Rape is a violent act, and most commonly committed by a male upon a female. However, some cases of rape have been reported in which a woman has raped a man.

9. Rape also may occur between members of the same sex. This is more prevalent in situations where access to the opposite sex is restricted (such as prisons, military settings, and single-sex schools).

10. Those who face some form of discrimination are believed to be at higher risk of sexual assault. This increased vulnerability can assume various forms. For example, those with disabilities or limited language skills have a decreased ability to call for help; prostitutes or convicted prisoners have decreased credibility

Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy?

Sure it is!

-Sex during pregnancy is not known to cause miscarriages as feared by some women.

-Studies also reveal that pregnant women who are sexually active will hardly have premature labour.

-Unless there are medical conditions, sex in pregnancy can never cause any known harm to your developing baby.

Our bodies are different. While some pregnant women may have an increase in sex drive, others may not. 

So most women actually enjoy sex more when they are pregnant.

Men should should be sure that their pregnant partners are comfortable with sex during the nine months period.

All you need is a ready mind, a healthy body and a good sex position.

Be safe!